The Origin of Ignorance and the Problem of Error, Falsehood, Evil and Suffering


I. Ignorance
A. Its Origin & Nature
B. Its Remedy
II. The Problem of Error, Falsehood, Evil and Suffering
A. Their Origin and the “why” of their Existence
(i) The Problem of Error
(ii) The Problem of Falsehood and Evil
B. Powers behind & their working
C. Remedy


This book is the result of successive study classes conducted with senior students of Sri Aurobindo Divine Life Education Centre on the very important issue of ‘The Origin of Ignorance and the Problem of Error, Falsehood, Evil and Suffering’ which has been expounded by Sri Aurobindo in his various writings, especially in the Life Divine and the Letters on Yoga. Some relevant excerpts from the Mother’s works have also been included. By bringing together selected excerpts from these writings and by categorizing and arranging them under relevant titles, an attempt has been made to bring into focus the message of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on this fundamental problem of existence. The comments that spontaneously followed the reading of the original text in these classes have been provided here. These classes were conducted by Shri Chandra Prakash Khetan referred to in the book as CPK.

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